Protecting transactions, revenues, and 
consumer trust

Someone taking payment on a card machine in a retail shop

Retailers face increasing pressures. As the point of convergence for consumer and financial institutional data, retailers of all sizes and types are attractive targets.

The diversity and interconnected nature of today’s 
e-commerce has provided retailers the ability to attract new business, expand footprints, and grow their brands. With increased opportunity, however, comes increasing vulnerability and risk that retails must prepare for. 
A theft of customer data can destroy trust, brands, and revenue streams almost overnight and lead to heavy regulatory penalties.

Attack surfaces are proliferating as retailers rely more 
on cloud and connected devices such as security cameras and inventory tracking tools—particularly if they’re still using legacy systems with outdated security features. Threats can appear throughout the supply chain and retailers must secure their endpoints and customer data regardless of location—whether on-premises or in the cloud.

Beazley Security helps retailers identify and address their unique vulnerabilities. Our experts strengthen retailers’ defenses while maintaining the speed and flexibility of digital systems needed to manage vendors, itemize inventory, and serve customers securely.

Whether online or through 
a brick and mortar presence, consumers expect retailers to 
ensure transactions are smooth, 
seamless, and secure.

Access to sensitive information isn’t the retailer’s only concern. Storefronts need to be online and operational to maintain revenue streams.

Malware Data Breach

Malware on a retailer’s point of sale system was believed to have compromised 150,000 - 200,000 payment cards. Beazley Security’s Cyber Services arranged for legal counsel and forensics for the retailer. After the investigation, the retailer notified and provided credit monitoring to 100,000 affected individuals. The notification vendor was able to operationalize a call center and a credit monitoring offer for over 100,000 people within 48 hours from the notification. The retailer also used crisis management services to assist with the breach.

Hacking or Data Breach

An online retailer who generates a large amount of revenue per week on their website had a major outage causing the website to be down for one hour. The retailer received subsequent emails from a well-known DDoS gang threatening to return Monday morning with a larger attack which would bring them down for six hours unless they received 30 bitcoins. A Beazley insured, the retailer called Beazley Security’s Cyber Services late at night on a weekend, who provided guidance and arranged services for the retailer to help them in the event of a larger attack. With fast action, the retailer was not impacted by the larger incident.

Unintended Disclosure

An organization operating several restaurants within a metropolitan area had received numerous customer complaints of credit card fraud after use at one location. After conferring with the Beazley Security Cyber Services team, we arranged a forensic investigation which revealed malware had been accessing card data at the location’s point of sale terminals. With legal counsel coordinated through Beazley Security's Cyber Services, the organization ultimately provided substitute notice via local print media that approximately 8,000 unique cards had been improperly accessed. Counsel also assisted with notifying the payment processor and the card brands.

Beazley Security’s team is communicative, knowledgeable, and easy to work with at any level.

VP of Information Security

Beazley Security’s team of IT experts are responsive and efficient, providing actionable solutions to enhance our cyber security practices.

Director of Finance and Operations

Operations were brought to a halt due to ransomware. But with Beazley Security’s help we knew the full extent of the attack and recovered, and in time for the kids to have their holiday parties.

School District Administrator, Western United States

Following a massive ransomware attack, the Beazley Security team worked relentlessly to restore computers, servers, and IT operations to get us back online with patient services.

Large Hospital CIO, Western United States

Beazley Security helped our team navigate through a complex maze of information and data, expertly and knowledgeably advising on cyber security strategy in a practical and understandable manner.

EVP of Information Security at Fortune 1000 Firm

Download a Incident 
Response Plan template 
for Retail organizations.

Alternatively, contact our Advisory team for a plan customized to your organization.