Bringing extensive industry experience to every engagement.

Beazley Security brings technical and risk management expertise together to help clients reduce risk and respond more effectively.

Working closely with Beazley’s insured clients around the world has provided Beazley Security distinct advantages. It has allowed our teams to develop a strong, yet diverse base industry expertise that we apply to client engagement – whether or not they have a Beazley cyber policy. It has also provided exposure to many different types of cyber incidents, as well as the many non-technical tasks needed to resolve the issues - be they legal, regulatory, communications, or other type of service.

This has afforded us with the range of experience to develop services that help clients focus on reducing risk, and fortifying their defenses with plans, processes, and preparations that are suitable for their size, sector, and geography. If, or when the worst occurs, clients know that Beazley Security has the access and experience to marshal the appropriate resources to mitigate the disaster and put them on the road to recovery.

We leverage our resources and experiences to help minimize losses, mitigate risk, control costs, and ensure reputations remain intact.

Beazley Security serves clients of all sizes and sectors. We’re also 
a committed service provider for the Beazley insured, providing 
dedicated support to maximize the benefits of a Beazley policy.

Pre-emptive. Adaptive. Responsive.

Full Spectrum Cyber for the Beazley insured.

Businesses around the world rely on Beazley Insurance to mitigate cyber risk. Beazley Security brings it home by amplifying protections that matter.

Beazley Security’s team is communicative, knowledgeable, and easy to work with at any level.

VP of Information Security

Beazley Security’s team of IT experts are responsive and efficient, providing actionable solutions to enhance our cyber security practices.

Director of Finance and Operations

Operations were brought to a halt due to ransomware. But with Beazley Security’s help we knew the full extent of the attack and recovered, and in time for the kids to have their holiday parties.

School District Administrator, Western United States

Following a massive ransomware attack, the Beazley Security team worked relentlessly to restore computers, servers, and IT operations to get us back online with patient services.

Large Hospital CIO, Western United States

Beazley Security helped our team navigate through a complex maze of information and data, expertly and knowledgeably advising on cyber security strategy in a practical and understandable manner.

EVP of Information Security at Fortune 1000 Firm

Build cyber resilience that is appropriate to the business 
need, technical environment, 
and risk landscape.

For more information, contact us today