Service and Support 
for the Beazley Insured

You’ve invested in the industry’s leading cyber insurance, let’s make sure you realize all your benefits.

As a Beazley cyber insurance policy holder, you have access to a wealth of resources. Beazley Security is here to ensure that you understand and have the opportunity to capitalize on these many benefits.

From the innovative Risk Management Offerings that are included in every Beazley cyber policy, to add-on services or discounts from either Beazley Security or other Beazley featured partners – our role is to facilitate getting you the support you need and ensure that your organization is prepared and as secure as possible.

Schedule a Review

Should the worst occur, and your organization suffers from an attack, we’re your full-service breach response solution. For organizations with a Beazley Security Incident Response Retainer, we will immediately start working to contain the damage, and coordinate the supporting services such as legal, PR, and crisis management.

For those without an IR retainer, on your notification, we’ll engage Beazley claims and ensure that requirements are met as we work with you to activate resources needed to address the incident.

Report a cyber incident

A further benefit for Beazley insured is the exceptional panel of experts that Beazley has around the world to provide these critical and very specialized services.

You benefit from established relationships, pre-agreed response times, and negotiated rates.

Review Incident Response Services

Beazley insured have 
access to some of the most innovative program 
offerings in the industry.

Beazley Security will help you capitalize on these benefits to make your organization more secure.

Policy Orientation & Onboarding

Beazley continues to lead the market with innovations in its cyber insurance offerings. To ensure that brokers and their insured clients have a full understanding of how to activate policy benefits, the additional resources that are available to clients, and what to do in the event of an attack, Beazley Security client service managers provide detailed orientations. Also available are risk and crisis management consultations, as well as planning workshops to discuss how to leverage policy benefits alongside additional services available from Beazley Security.

Risk Management Offerings

Beazley’s Risk Management Offerings (RMOs) are value-adding services that are included in every cyber policy. These range from workshops, trainings, attack surface scanning, phishing-resistant MFA keys, and a multitude of discounted vendor products and services and are focused on improving cyber resilience, regardless of where you are in your journey.

All Beazley middle-market clients with Beazley Breach Response (BBR), InfoSec, and MediaTech policies are eligible. Click to see the current RMO program, or schedule a call with one of our client service managers to discuss.

Zero Dollar Incident Response Retainer

Every Beazley client is eligible for a Zero Dollar IR retainer with Beazley Security. This provides organizations with the assurance of immediate, expert incident response assistance in the event of a cyber security breach or security incident. By retaining the services of a dedicated incident response team, organizations can significantly reduce response time, limit the potential damage of a security incident, and better protect their digital assets and sensitive information.

CYGNVS Incident Preparation Room

CYGNVS is a powerful and feature rich incident management technology that provides a platform for secure, out-of-band, mobile-accessible communications during an incident. It becomes the incident command center and allows clients to collaborate with business leaders, IT, and external service providers with high degrees of control total confidence. CYGNVS is available to every organization with a Beazley cyber policy.

Beazley Security Partnership

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Beazley Insurance, we invested in helping clients reduce their risk and improve their resilience. For the Beazley insured, our teams take special care to help you realize the full benefit of Full Spectrum Cyber, delivering services to Pre-empt, Adapt, and Respond effectively to any situation.

We’d be very happy to discuss the full range of our capabilities, including proven professional services 
and a market leading MXDR monitoring platform to defend your systems, data, and reputation.

Explore our offering, and let’s discuss.

Beazley brings unmatched
benefits through Full Spectrum
Cyber to help clients reduce risk
and improve resilience.

Pre-emptive. Adaptive. Responsive. Insurance.